Public Videos
Videos 1-5 of 28

How to Stop a Crying Baby : Infant Massage to Stop a Crying Baby
Learn infant massage techniques to soothe a crying baby in this free child care video with parenting tips for newborns and infants. Expert: Alisha Folkman Bio: Alisha Folkman is a mother of two young children and routinely provides advice and support to many new mothers. Filmmaker: Dixon Gillette
Tags // do care child parenting techniques baby infant mom babies parents what mothers crying dad fathers cry teething pacifier colic
Added: July 6, 2010, 3:03 pm
Runtime: 59.00 | Views: 2324 | Comments:0

Baby & Toddler Parenting : How to Potty Train Girls
When potty training girls, talk to them about potty training, lead by example, and try not to put stress on the child. Learn how to potty train girls through a routine with tips from a day care owner in this free video on parenting and child care. Expert: Veronice Baragas Contact: Bio: Veronica Baragas has been working with children and families for 10 years. She owns and operates Wiggles and Giggles, which offers home daycare, babysitting services, and special events. Filmmaker: Todd Green
Tags // babies toddlers babysitting child care day care after school children kids nanny nannies child diaper genie parenting parents
Added: July 6, 2010, 3:10 pm
Runtime: 151.00 | Views: 2559 | Comments:0

Dealing with Grief by Accepting the Grief & Sorrow How young widows need to learn the seven stages of grief & how to deal with these stages of grief and sorrow, along with the grief process and grief recovery
Tags // seven stages of grief phases relationships ending traumatic therapy counseling training
Added: July 6, 2010, 3:15 pm
Runtime: 198.00 | Views: 2018 | Comments:0

Part 1 of 3: - Helping Children Cope with Grief
Family Matters ACAPNJ: therapists, grief counselors, psychoanalysts discuss signs of normal and extreme responses to loss among children and offer concrete tools for listening, talking, providing support for grieving children, and coping mechanisms for those who work in this difficult field. Part 1 of 3.
Tags // children grief therapist parent trauma counseling loss Pat Bratt anger grieving
Added: July 6, 2010, 3:28 pm
Runtime: 581.00 | Views: 2730 | Comments:0

Part 2 of 3: - Helping Children Cope with Grief
Family Matters ACAPNJ: therapists, grief counselors, psychoanalysts discuss signs of normal and extreme responses to loss among children and offer concrete tools for listening, talking, providing support for grieving children, and coping mechanisms for those who work in this difficult field. Part 2 of 3.
Tags // children grief therapist parent trauma counseling loss Pat Bratt anger grieving
Added: July 6, 2010, 3:28 pm
Runtime: 583.00 | Views: 3304 | Comments:0