Done Deal: Choosing Not to Gamble
Runtime: 1m 43s | Views: 2451 | Comments: 0

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Rating (0 votes): Not yet rated
Added: 24-09-2012
From: GuidanceGroup ( Send PM )
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This realistic DVD program uses different settings and situations to deliver the message that compulsive gambling is a problem that can, and must be addressed. This DVD features Mike, a young adult who has dropped out of college because of the extensive gambling he did on campus. Stressed by the family's financial problems, Mike's mother argues with him after she finds evidence that suggests he is gambling again. Affected by his mom's reaction and an empathetic coworker's support, Mike finds himself able to refuse when he is faced with the temptation to place a bet.
Channels: Addiction 
Tags: Gambling  Addiction  Betting  Gamble 

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