Ethical Choices: Health Talk
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Rating (0 votes): Not yet rated
Added: 26-09-2012
From: GuidanceGroup ( Send PM )
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Health Talk examines a range of complex health issues that young people face in today's society. This DVD takes a candid look at health topics affecting teenagers today. Moderator Kim Taylor-Thompson, associate professor of law at Stanford University, leads a panel of seven teenagers, along with two health education experts, and parents through a series of interconnected hypothetical situations. Based on real-life incidents, the hypotheticals focus on the story of Kim, a high school student who encounters a number of health issues such as stress and depression, the consequences of sexual behavior, and the risks of alcohol and substance abuse.
Channels: Alcohol Prevention  Anxiety / Stress  Teen Relationships & Sexuality 
Tags: Health  Talk  teenagers  education  stress  depression  sexual  behavior  alcohol 

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