Dr. PlayWell's Best Behavior Game
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Added: 12-12-2012
From: GuidanceGroup ( Send PM )
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Dr. Playwell's Best Behavior Game is a send-home game for counselors to be able to give to parents without having to worry about getting it back. The game is designed to help children see the importance of positive behavior in their daily lives. Four card decks teach children the basic elements that underlie positive behavior: Dealing with Feelings cards, Positive Behavior cards, Positive Thinking cards and Caring about others cards. This game provides continuity between counseling sessions. It helps children distinguish between appropriate and inappropriate behavior,recognize personal boundaries,understand self-control and how to practice it,use effective communication skills, and develop effective coping skills.
Channels: Character Education  Life Skills  Videos on School Success 
Tags: Best  Behavior  Communication  Coping  Skills  self-control  practice  children  Students  Classroom  play  therapy  positi 

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