Friendship Farm Puzzle Games Set of 4
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Added: 13-12-2012
From: GuidanceGroup ( Send PM )
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Ages 5-10. Friendship Farm Puzzle Games gives kids a new way to learn social skills, featuring "3 games in 1." Players start off laying out the 20 pieces of the puzzle, each with a question designed to stimulate social learning. As each question is answered, the piece is turned over an the players cooperatively form the colorful and engaging puzzle. When the puzzle is completed, players must search the pictures to find the animals on Friendship Farm who are socially appropriate. Created by game expert, Dr. Lawrence Shapiro, we know that kids will want to play these games again and again. The games are designed to be played in counseling sessions, in the classrooms, or at home. Each puzzle comes with its own instructions. Puzzles are 15" x 21" and made of sturdy cardboard designed for years of play. 1-6 players./nSet includes one each of the following puzzles:/nWho is Being Friendly? Friendship Farm Puzzle Game Who is Being Helpful? Friendship Farm Puzzle Game Who Is Following the Rules? Friendship Farm Puzzle Game Who is Being Responsible and Respectful? Friendship Farm Puzzle Game/nPuzzles also sold individually.
Channels: Character Education  Life Skills  Social Skills 
Tags: friendship  farm  puzzles  play  therapy  learning  fun  stimulating  social  learning  social  behavior  friendship  child 

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