Dr. PlayWell's "Sure I Can" Game
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Added: 13-12-2012
From: GuidanceGroup ( Send PM )
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Ages: 6-12. Dr. Playwell's "Sure I Can" Game is a fun, easy way to develop a positive attitude.. Players try to move their Positive Pat pawns to the Award Ceremony and avoid the barriers put down by the Obstacle Maker. As they dodge and weave around the board, they pick cards that reinforce the game's message: Positive thinking helps you cope with, and solve, all kinds of problems. The game includes a reproducible assessment checklist to be filled out by parents or teachers. For 2-4 players.
Channels: Character Education  Conflict Resolution  Social Skills 
Tags: Coping  skills  Positive  reinforcement  play  therapy  optimism  cooperation  teachers  counselors  children  kids  game 

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