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Related Tags: Abuse Relationship Chiropractic ADHD ADD Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder dealing with parenting children behaviour therapist counseling behavioral psychologist psychology family date rape psa sexual assault education drugs alcohol teen victim drug-facilitated teenagers hidden acquaintance forced intercourse video educational prevention teens girl girls women woman rapists friend attack attacked friends boy boys drink consent control party violence violent dating respect crime criminal suspect help action agressive agression educate training signs warning signals stop sleep pass out advantage avoid symptoms medications treatments mental health disorders Asperger's Syndrome music creativity Davina kids guitar piano anti-alcohol underage addiction youth drinking peer pressure alcoholism substance chemical intoxicated drank alcoholic consumption consume consumed ethanol film time activities life decisions brain damage school

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Ten Signs of Relationship Abuse
Combining powerful interviews of battered and verbally abused teens with expert commentary, video delivers key facts about dating abuse. Emotional abuse includes isolation from friends, family, and outside activities; using insulting names or degrading terms; displaying jealousy and possessiveness; controlling a partner’s clothing choices and behavior; using excessive cell phone use to monitor behavior; and threatening self-harm to control behavior. Sexual and physical abuse includes extreme roughhousing; pushing, grabbing, restraining, and other violent behaviors that don't leave marks or bruises; touching a partner’s body in ways that make him/her feel uncomfortable; and making threats as a means of coercing a partner’s consent to sexual activity. Teen speakers and dating abuse experts offer helpful advice on how teens can get away from potentially unhealthy, dangerous relationships.
Added: 4226 days ago From GuidanceGroup
global.duration: 197.02
Views: 2325 | Comments: 0
Chiropractic and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
A News report on how a chiropractor helped a child with ADHD. The chiropractor gives a good explanation as to what chiropractors do to help.
Added: 5031 days ago From unobtainium
global.duration: 128.00
Views: 1715 | Comments: 0
ADHD Kids. Dealing with ADHD Kids
For more information please visit: Michael Davis, MD, pediatrician, discusses ADHD or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in children.
Added: 5037 days ago From TRabbit2
global.duration: 264.00
Views: 3219 | Comments: 0
The ADHD Song join our e-mail newsletter! Dr. C, Elwood & Friends sing the ADHD song.
Added: 5037 days ago From TRabbit2
global.duration: 45.00
Views: 2879 | Comments: 0
Living With ADD/ADHD
ADHD has no cure, though medication can help. Find out what it is like to live with ADHD in this video.
Added: 5037 days ago From TRabbit2
global.duration: 158.00
Views: 2186 | Comments: 0
Date Rape Video PSA
Date Rape PSA Video. Public domain video. Public service announcement. Date Rape - Protecting Yourself - A video PSA about the injustice of date rape. From the public domain. When people think of rape, they might think of a stranger jumping out of a shadowy place and sexually attacking someone. But it's not only strangers who rape. In fact, about half of all people who are raped know the person who attacked them. Girls and women are most often raped, but guys can also be raped. Most friendships, acquaintances, and dates never lead to violence, of course. But, sadly, sometimes it happens. When forced sex occurs between two people who already know each other, it is known as date rape or acquaintance rape. Even if the two people know each other well, and even if they were intimate or had sex before, no one has the right to force a sexual act on another person against his or her will. Although it involves forced sex, rape is not about sex or passion. Rape has nothing to do with love. Rape is an act of aggression and violence. You may hear some people say that those who have been raped were somehow "asking for it" because of the clothes they wore or the way they acted. That's wrong: The person who is raped is not to blame. Rape is always the fault of the rapist. And that's also the case when two people are dating — or even in an intimate relationship. One person never owes the other person sex. If sex is forced against someone's will, that's rape. Healthy relationships involve respect — including respect for the feelings of others. Someone who really cares about you will respect your wishes and not force or pressure you to have sex. Alcohol is often involved in date rapes. Drinking can loosen inhibitions, dull common sense, and — for some people — allow aggressive tendencies to surface. Drugs may also play a role. You may have heard about "date rape" drugs like rohypnol ("roofies"), gamma-hydroxybutyrate (GHB), and ketamine. Drugs like these can easily be mixed in drinks to make a person black out and forget things that happen. Both girls and guys who have been given these drugs report feeling paralyzed, having blurred vision, and lack of memory. The best defense against date rape is to try to prevent it whenever possible. Here are some things both girls and guys can do: Avoid secluded places (this may even mean your room or your partner's) until you trust your partner. Don't spend time alone with someone who makes you feel uneasy or uncomfortable. This means following your instincts and removing yourself from situations that you don't feel good about. Stay sober and aware. If you're with someone you don't know very well, be aware of what's going on around you and try to stay in control. Also, be aware of your date's ability to consent to sexual activity — you may become guilty of committing rape if the other person is not in a condition to respond or react. Know what you want. Be clear about what kind of relationship you want with another person. If you are not sure, then ask the other person to respect your feelings and to give you time. Don't allow yourself to be subject to peer pressure or encouraged to do something that you don't want to do.
Added: 5058 days ago From TRabbit2
global.duration: 31.00
Views: 8527 | Comments: 0
ADHD Symptoms & Treatments : Symptoms of Adult Attention Deficit Disorder
Symptoms of adult ADD, or attention deficit disorder, include difficulty staying on task, social withdrawal, irritability and difficulty being intimate with others. Find out how to apply a child's ADD symptoms to an adult life with help from a licensed mental health counselor in this free video on adult attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.
Added: 5058 days ago From TRabbit2
global.duration: 119.00
Views: 2549 | Comments: 0
George's Story: ADHD and creativity
George is a 9 year-old who loves exercising his creativity by playing guitar, and building model cities. He's also been diagnosed with ADHD and Asperger's Syndrome. ©Johnson & Johnson Services, Inc. 2009 Neither Johnson & Johnson nor any of its operating companies (Johnson & Johnson) are responsible for third-party materials appearing on the Johnson & Johnson Health Channel, including but not limited to linked third-party videos, linked third-party sites, and third-party advertisements. J&J does not control or endorse this third-party content and makes no representations regarding its accuracy.
Added: 5058 days ago From TRabbit2
global.duration: 177.00
Views: 2888 | Comments: 0
Anti-Alcohol PSA Video For Teens
Anti-Alcohol PSA Video For Teens. From the public domain. Alcoholism is a chronic disease that makes your body dependent on alcohol. You may be obsessed with alcohol and unable to control how much you drink, even though your drinking is causing serious problems with your relationships, health, work and finances. It's possible to have a problem with alcohol, but not display all the characteristics of alcoholism. This is known as alcohol abuse, which means you engage in excessive drinking that causes health or social problems, but you aren't dependent on alcohol and haven't fully lost control over the use of alcohol. Although many people assume otherwise, alcoholism is a treatable disease. Medications, counseling and self-help groups are among the therapies that can provide ongoing support to help you recover from alcoholism. Alcoholism is a disease. It is often diagnosed more through behaviors and adverse effects on functioning than by specific medical symptoms. Only 2 of the diagnostic criteria are physiological (those are tolerance changes and withdrawal symptoms). Alcohol abuse and alcoholism are associated with a broad range of medical, psychiatric, social, legal, occupational, economic, and family problems. For example, parental alcoholism underlies many family problems such as divorce, spouse abuse, child abuse and neglect, welfare dependence, and criminal behaviors, according to government sources.
Added: 5076 days ago From rikkyrollin
global.duration: 30.00
Views: 5781 | Comments: 0