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Related Tags: Stop Relax and Think Game Play Therapy Therapeutic Homework Stress Children Fun Educational Life Skills Feeling Anger Management Coping Expression Identify teens adults wellness date psa sexual assault drugs alcohol victim drug-facilitated teenagers rapist hidden acquaintance forced intercourse video prevention girl girls women woman rapists friend attack attacked friends boy boys drink activity relationship consent control party violence violent dating respect crime criminal behavior suspect help action agressive agression educate training signs warning signals sleep pass out advantage avoid You Board Social Awareness practice success learning Teach 2 Dominoes Conflict Cruncher resolving conflicts players develop kid Wait Win self-control Development Teaching character Empathy Counts understanding Positive thinking school friendship abuse anti-alcohol underage addiction youth drinking peer pressure alcoholism substance chemical intoxicated drank alcoholic treatment consumption consume consumed ethanol film time activities decisions brain damage What did say Non-Verbal Language Autism Communication Emotions Body Thinkn GO Bears Impulse focus concentrate Bullies Bullying cooperative depressed communicate choices negative don't difficult oppurtunity kindness teacher student Faces Facial Expressions Feelings Angry Monster reinforcement optimism cooperation teachers counselors kids Should now Card making communicating cooperate Play-2-learn self-esteem instruct teasing resolution confidence classroom hurtful counseling worker exciting cool

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Stop, Relax & Think Board Game
Ages 6-12. By Becky Bridges, C.S.W., A.C.P. Stop, Relax, and Think is a board game to help impulsive children think before they act. In this ever-popular board game, active, impulsive children learn motor control, relaxation skills, how to express their feelings, and how to problem-solve. The manual includes information on how the game can be used both as a diagnostic and a treatment tool, and how behaviors learned in the game can be generalized for the home or classroom. The object of the game is to proceed through the Feelings, Stop, Relax, and Think sections of the game board to Finish, collecting chips along the way. The player with the most chips when the game ends wins./nFeelings When a player lands on a Feelings Card space he/she selects, reads aloud, and answers a Feelings Card. This section helps children become aware of their feelings and the early signs of stress, which is essential to their achieving self-control./nStop When a player lands on a Stop Sign space he/she rolls the 8-sided die. He/she then refers to the corresponding number on the Stop Card, performing whatever action is stated on the Stop Card until the person on his/her right says "Stop." If the player stops immediately he/she receives a chip. This section helps children practice behavior cessation and learn how to catch themselves before they respond or react automatically./nRelax When a player lands in the Relax space he/she does what is indicated on the space. This section helps children learn to relax. The ability to relax is a powerful asset for a child who is attempting to learn self-control./nThink This section helps children think through problems. This ability is a prerequisite to achieving self-control./nContents: Game Board 8-sided Die 6-sided Die 30 Chips Stop Card 36 Feelings Cards 33 Think Cards Instructions/nThis board game is also part of The Stop, Relax & Think Collection./
Added: 4158 days ago From GuidanceGroup
global.duration: 75.23
Views: 10492 | Comments: 0
Anger Management Speedway Board Game
Ages: 11 & Up. The Anger Management Speedway Board Game helps teens and adults improve their ability to identify, cope with, and express their anger. Players will be able to: identify effects of anger on health and wellness, increase awareness of managing anger, identify coping outlets, and increase awareness of the role that anger has in people's lives. For 8-12 players./nIncludes: Board and game pieces, 2 sets of cards, & reproducible handouts.
Added: 4165 days ago From GuidanceGroup
global.duration: 53.33
Views: 10243 | Comments: 0
Date Rape Video PSA
Date Rape PSA Video. Public domain video. Public service announcement. Date Rape - Protecting Yourself - A video PSA about the injustice of date rape. From the public domain. When people think of rape, they might think of a stranger jumping out of a shadowy place and sexually attacking someone. But it's not only strangers who rape. In fact, about half of all people who are raped know the person who attacked them. Girls and women are most often raped, but guys can also be raped. Most friendships, acquaintances, and dates never lead to violence, of course. But, sadly, sometimes it happens. When forced sex occurs between two people who already know each other, it is known as date rape or acquaintance rape. Even if the two people know each other well, and even if they were intimate or had sex before, no one has the right to force a sexual act on another person against his or her will. Although it involves forced sex, rape is not about sex or passion. Rape has nothing to do with love. Rape is an act of aggression and violence. You may hear some people say that those who have been raped were somehow "asking for it" because of the clothes they wore or the way they acted. That's wrong: The person who is raped is not to blame. Rape is always the fault of the rapist. And that's also the case when two people are dating — or even in an intimate relationship. One person never owes the other person sex. If sex is forced against someone's will, that's rape. Healthy relationships involve respect — including respect for the feelings of others. Someone who really cares about you will respect your wishes and not force or pressure you to have sex. Alcohol is often involved in date rapes. Drinking can loosen inhibitions, dull common sense, and — for some people — allow aggressive tendencies to surface. Drugs may also play a role. You may have heard about "date rape" drugs like rohypnol ("roofies"), gamma-hydroxybutyrate (GHB), and ketamine. Drugs like these can easily be mixed in drinks to make a person black out and forget things that happen. Both girls and guys who have been given these drugs report feeling paralyzed, having blurred vision, and lack of memory. The best defense against date rape is to try to prevent it whenever possible. Here are some things both girls and guys can do: Avoid secluded places (this may even mean your room or your partner's) until you trust your partner. Don't spend time alone with someone who makes you feel uneasy or uncomfortable. This means following your instincts and removing yourself from situations that you don't feel good about. Stay sober and aware. If you're with someone you don't know very well, be aware of what's going on around you and try to stay in control. Also, be aware of your date's ability to consent to sexual activity — you may become guilty of committing rape if the other person is not in a condition to respond or react. Know what you want. Be clear about what kind of relationship you want with another person. If you are not sure, then ask the other person to respect your feelings and to give you time. Don't allow yourself to be subject to peer pressure or encouraged to do something that you don't want to do.
Added: 5061 days ago From TRabbit2
global.duration: 31.00
Views: 8527 | Comments: 0
The You & Me Social Skills Board Game
Ages 4-12. The You & Me Social Skills Board Game is a cooperative game that teaches day-to-day social skills and social awareness. Designed to help children become socially aware of the world they live in, as they build the social skills they need in everyday life: helping, sharing, being polite, cooperating, understanding different points of views, listening, following rules, acting assertively, and being a friend. Players work as a team, there are no individual winners. 2-6 players./nContents: 48 ACT cards 48 TALK cards 48 DRAW cards 2 Dice Sand Timer 100 Chips 6 Pawns Instructions/nThis board game is also part of The You & Me Social Skills Collection./
Added: 4158 days ago From GuidanceGroup
global.duration: 60.53
Views: 8115 | Comments: 0
Play-2-Learn Dominoes: Conflict Cruncher
Play 2 Learn Dominoes Conflict Cruncher is an educational game designed to give kids the knowledge and skills they need to resolve conflict in a non-violent, win-win way. The Game includes a set of Dominoes and four decks of cards. Play 2 Learn Dominoes adds an exciting spin for players who are already accustomed to the classic dominoes game. Players before placing a domino must pick a card and answer a question about resolving conflicts, players can place their dominoes as long as they attempt to give a good answer. Players will develop practical skills for resolving conflicts in a win-win way, learn to recognize good and bad ways of dealing with anger and conflict, learn to stay calm and engage in problem solving and learn the importance of seeing the other person’s point of view. /
Added: 4138 days ago From GuidanceGroup
global.duration: 54.23
Views: 6338 | Comments: 0
Wait & Win! Board Game
Ages: 6-12. The Wait and Win board game was designed to teach children the importance of being patient in many different situations as they try a variety of fun tasks and try to solve problems. Patience is an important ingredient in a child's social and academic success. This game teaches frustration tolerance, self-control, respect for others, and a sense of time and timing. The object of the game is to earn as many "patience points" (chips) as possible. Includes a countdown timer that gives players feedback on how well they control their impulsivity. 2-4 players./nContents: Game board 24 You Win Cards (describe situations where children have been patient, with a positive result) 24 Patience Problems Cards (asks players to respond to situations where being patient is important) 24 Test Your Skill Cards (describe "stunts" that require patience and self-control) 100 chips 4 pawns Die Timer Instructions/
Added: 4158 days ago From GuidanceGroup
global.duration: 54.10
Views: 6271 | Comments: 0
Play-2-Learn Dominoes on Empathy Counts
Ages: 5-10. Play-2-Learn Dominoes on Empathy Counts teaches young people to understand the concept of empathy, to be empathetic, and to take positive actions towards others based on empathy, all while playing dominoes and having fun! There are four decks of cards, each covering a different aspect of players' lives: Friendship, Activities and Hobbies, At School, and All About Myself. It can be used by teachers and counselors in a school setting, parents at home, or therapists as play therapy. 2-5 players./nThis game is also part of the Play-to-Learn Dominoes Set. By Franklin Rubenstein, Ph.D./
Added: 4134 days ago From GuidanceGroup
global.duration: 52.00
Views: 5945 | Comments: 0
Anti-Alcohol PSA Video For Teens
Anti-Alcohol PSA Video For Teens. From the public domain. Alcoholism is a chronic disease that makes your body dependent on alcohol. You may be obsessed with alcohol and unable to control how much you drink, even though your drinking is causing serious problems with your relationships, health, work and finances. It's possible to have a problem with alcohol, but not display all the characteristics of alcoholism. This is known as alcohol abuse, which means you engage in excessive drinking that causes health or social problems, but you aren't dependent on alcohol and haven't fully lost control over the use of alcohol. Although many people assume otherwise, alcoholism is a treatable disease. Medications, counseling and self-help groups are among the therapies that can provide ongoing support to help you recover from alcoholism. Alcoholism is a disease. It is often diagnosed more through behaviors and adverse effects on functioning than by specific medical symptoms. Only 2 of the diagnostic criteria are physiological (those are tolerance changes and withdrawal symptoms). Alcohol abuse and alcoholism are associated with a broad range of medical, psychiatric, social, legal, occupational, economic, and family problems. For example, parental alcoholism underlies many family problems such as divorce, spouse abuse, child abuse and neglect, welfare dependence, and criminal behaviors, according to government sources.
Added: 5079 days ago From rikkyrollin
global.duration: 30.00
Views: 5781 | Comments: 0
What Did You Say? A Game of Non-Verbal Language
Ages: 6-12. The What Did You Say? A Non-Verbal Language game is designed to aid in teaching children to be aware of their body language and the body language of others. Many children have a hard time reading body language. It introduces children to several aspects of understanding body language, including two key concepts: 1) Different aspects of body language are associated with different feelings. 2) Different people may have different body language in the same situation. This game contains 50 colorful pictures of children in different postures. Players pick Body Language cards and try to match the posture closest to the feeling being expressed. Correct answers advance the player. Prompts have kids doing fun stunts and acting out situations as they express themselves non-verbally. For 3-6 players./nContents: Game Board 60 Body Language Cards (2 of each posture) 48 Situration Cards 2 Dice 6 Pawns 100 Chips 2 write-on/wipe-off slates (for use with the two-player version of this game) Instructions/nThis product is also part of the Social Skills/Asperger's Syndrome Game Set./
Added: 4158 days ago From GuidanceGroup
global.duration: 65.43
Views: 5739 | Comments: 0
The Stop, Think, and Go Bears Self-Control Board Game
Ages: 5-10. The Stop, Think, and Go Bears Self-Control board game is an adorable game designed to help children with problems in impulse control, by teaching children the three basic steps of self-reflection: Stop, Think, and Go. Players win by getting their three bears to the finish line, practicing these important skills along the way. For 2-4 players./nContents: Game Board Die Spinner 12 Bear Pawns Instructions 24 Stop Cards (designed to help children see the consequence of their actions.) 24 Think Cards (designed to help children "brainstorm" solutions to common problems.) 24 Go Cards (designed to help children develop positive behavioral habits that reflect self-discipline and a concern for others.)/
Added: 4158 days ago From GuidanceGroup
global.duration: 66.77
Views: 5123 | Comments: 0
No More Bullies Board Game
Ages 5-12. By Marcia and Max Nass. The No More Bullies board game is an entertaining and stimulating game that can help players learn how to handle bullies and stand up for themselves. Players will learn how to avoid being picked on, what to say to a bully, and who to talk to about the problem. Bullies will learn why they act the way they do and how they can handle their anger and frustrations without taking it out on someone else. This is a cooperative game in which all players must work together to get their possessions back from the bully, who has taken them. Players must also turn the "mean" bully on the board into a "reformed" bully - Mr. Nice Guy! - by covering him with puzzle pieces. 2-4 players./nContents: Game Board 28 Cool Off Cards 24 Talk About It Cards Die 8 Mr. Nice Guy Puzzle Pieces 4 Pawns 20 Possesion Cards (a ball and rope, a jacket, money, a watch, and a snack) Instructions/nThis board game is also part of the No More Bullies! Set.
Added: 4163 days ago From GuidanceGroup
global.duration: 46.21
Views: 4928 | Comments: 0
Don't Be Difficult Board Game
Ages: 7-12. A game to help children learn the consequences of both positive and negative choices. This game is designed to provide children with the opportunity to experience the negative consequences of choosing the "hard" way and the positive benefits of choosing the "right" way. As children play the game, they find themselves on the "Hard Road." In order to move back onto the "Right Road," they have to earn positive emotional currency (chips) in the form of Kindness, Trust, Respect, and Cooperation. To advance on the "Right Road" and win, players must learn ways to avoid difficult behaviors and to accept the consequences of their choices and actions. 2-6 players./nContents: Game Board Die 6 Pawns 100 Chips 42 The Right Road Cards 62 The Hard Road Cards Instructions/nThis workbook is also part of the Don't Be Difficult Bundle.
Added: 4164 days ago From GuidanceGroup
global.duration: 49.10
Views: 4791 | Comments: 0
The Understanding Faces Game
Ages: 6-12. The Understanding Faces Game is great for kids with Asperger's syndrome or those who have difficulty with reading emotions. This game is designed to introduce children to several aspects of understanding facial expressions, including two key concepts: 1) Different facial expressions are associated with different feelings. 2) Different people may have different facial reactions to the same situation./nGame comes with 50 colorful pictures of children with different facial expressions. Players pick a Face Card and try to match the expression closest to the feeling. Correct answers advance the player. Prompts encourage kids to do fun stunts and make faces to express a variety of emotions. For 3-6 players./nContents: 60 Face cards (2 of each expression) 48 Situation cards 2 dice 6 pawns 100 Chips 2 write-on/wipe-off slates (for use with the two-player version of this game) Instructions/nThis product is also part of the Social Skills/Asperger's Syndrome Game Set./
Added: 4158 days ago From GuidanceGroup
global.duration: 78.83
Views: 4741 | Comments: 0
The Angry Monster Machine Board Game
Ages: 5-10. The Angry Monster Machine board game shows how to teach Kids How to Express Anger. This game is designed to provide insight into both the root(s) of the problem and to introduce alternative coping mechanisms to deal with symptomatic anger. Each player learns to verbalize what makes him/her angry as the game progresses. In addition, normal conversation during the course of the game acts as a catalyst for the children to reveal the issues and conflicts that underlie their anger./nIn this game, each player uses a truck to cart a Play Doh monster to the Transforming Machine. The player then selects an adaptive way to transform the angry feelings and the Play Doh monster into something positive. The object is to be the first one to capture and transform four Angry Monsters. The players learn anger coping skills as they play. 2-4 players./nGame Board Die 12 Reader Transformer Cards 12 Non-Reader Transformer Cards 4 Trucks 4 Jars of Play Doh Angry Monster Maker Mold Instructions/nThis board game is also part of The Angry Monster Machine Bundle
Added: 4165 days ago From GuidanceGroup
global.duration: 51.04
Views: 4681 | Comments: 0
Dr. PlayWell's "Sure I Can" Game
Ages: 6-12. Dr. Playwell's "Sure I Can" Game is a fun, easy way to develop a positive attitude.. Players try to move their Positive Pat pawns to the Award Ceremony and avoid the barriers put down by the Obstacle Maker. As they dodge and weave around the board, they pick cards that reinforce the game's message: Positive thinking helps you cope with, and solve, all kinds of problems. The game includes a reproducible assessment checklist to be filled out by parents or teachers. For 2-4 players.
Added: 4163 days ago From GuidanceGroup
global.duration: 48.10
Views: 4290 | Comments: 0
What Should I Do Now? Card Game
Ages 8-18. By Lawrence E. Shapiro, Ph.D. The What Should I do now game is a hilarious card game designed to help children understand the different reactions we have to difficult situations and how our responses affect those around us. The difference between responding inappropriately and responding appropriately is examined in a non-judgmental setting. 2-6 Players./nContents: 45 Situation Cards 60 Response Cards 1 Spinner Instructions/
Added: 4158 days ago From GuidanceGroup
global.duration: 49.55
Views: 4241 | Comments: 0
Play-2-Learn Dominoes on Feelings Fun Game
Ages: 5-10. Playing-2-Learn Dominoes on Feelings Fun Game lets players have fun playing dominoes while learning how to express positive and negative feelings appropriately, recognize feelings, and care about the feelings of others. Before playing a domino, a player picks a card from one of four decks and either answers a question or practices a skill. The Understanding the Feelings of Others cards help players learn to accurately perceive feelings in others. This is a vital skill for developing empathy. The Four W's cards help players identify feelings and how to deal appropriately with difficult feelings; each question starts with "Who", "What", "Why", or "When". The Action cards give players practice dealing with situations that involve strong feelings. The Talk about a Time cards, help players identify their feelings and give them the opportunity to share with other players situations that evoked a variety of feelings. 2-5 players./nThis game is also part of the Play-to-Learn Dominoes Set. By Franklin Rubenstein, Ph.D./
Added: 4134 days ago From GuidanceGroup
global.duration: 58.84
Views: 4168 | Comments: 0
Play-2-Learn Dominoes on Bullywise Game
By Franklin D. Rubenstein, Ph.D./nAges: 5-10. Play-2-Learn Dominoes on Bullywise is a new game, players have fun playing dominoes while learning how all kids can work to reduce bullying and violence. Before playing a domino, a player picks a card from one of the four decks and either answers a question or practices a skill. The cards turn the players into experts on bullying. They are called upon to give advice to targets of bullying, bystanders, and even the bullies. They also give advice on whether situations call for the aid of an adult. The Target Expert cards help players learn specific nonviolent steps that targets can take to reduce bullying. The Bystander Expert cards demonstrate the power of bystanders to reduce bullying and help players learn specific things that they can do to reduce bullying. The Bully Expert cards help bullies understand that they can achieve their goals of popularity and social status without resorting to bullying. The Getting Help cards give players guidelines about when kids should try to handle situations themselves and when going to an adult is essential. 2-5 players
Added: 4138 days ago From GuidanceGroup
global.duration: 40.47
Views: 3741 | Comments: 0
No More Teasing! Board Game
Ages: 6-12. The No More Teasing game is designed to teach children 10 ways to deal with being teased including: using confident body language, avoiding teasers when you are alone, and learning what provokes teasing. In this game players will learn how to deal with teasing, while earning enough chips to attend the "classroom party" at the end of the game. Players read the Situation Cards and use the "10 Ways to Stop Teasing" listed on the game board to describe how they might react. A unique feature of the game is a CD of children making teasing comments that may be used in place of the Teasing Cards.For 2-6 players./nContents: Game Board 24 Situation Cards 24 Teasing Cards CD Die 100 Chips 6 Pawns Instructions
Added: 4163 days ago From GuidanceGroup
global.duration: 44.20
Views: 3426 | Comments: 0
Expressionary! Board Game
Expressionary! is a game for teens and adults about feelings - what situations bring them up and the many different ways they can be expressed. Whether through words or non-verbally through movement and drawings, Expressionary! makes it easy and fun for players to express their feelings and thoughts. The object of the game is to have the highest number of tokens through correctly guessing other player's expressions, and being able to effectively communicate with others. The game is a must-have for every educator's, therapist's, or family's game collection! 4-12 players. Ages: 12-17. Created by Amanda L. Gissel, M.A/nContents: Game board 40 Feelings cards 40 Situation cards Chips 8 Place markers 1-minute timing device Instructions
Added: 4163 days ago From GuidanceGroup
global.duration: 53.67
Views: 3372 | Comments: 0