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Related Tags: Stop Relax and Think Game Play Therapy Therapeutic Homework Stress Children Fun Educational Life Skills Feeling psa public service announcements ad council adcouncil teens dating violence tdvp text messaging Abuse Relationship Roll role counseling collection non-verbal communication good behavior bully teasing conflict resolution character Managing Anger

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Stop, Relax & Think Board Game
Ages 6-12. By Becky Bridges, C.S.W., A.C.P. Stop, Relax, and Think is a board game to help impulsive children think before they act. In this ever-popular board game, active, impulsive children learn motor control, relaxation skills, how to express their feelings, and how to problem-solve. The manual includes information on how the game can be used both as a diagnostic and a treatment tool, and how behaviors learned in the game can be generalized for the home or classroom. The object of the game is to proceed through the Feelings, Stop, Relax, and Think sections of the game board to Finish, collecting chips along the way. The player with the most chips when the game ends wins./nFeelings When a player lands on a Feelings Card space he/she selects, reads aloud, and answers a Feelings Card. This section helps children become aware of their feelings and the early signs of stress, which is essential to their achieving self-control./nStop When a player lands on a Stop Sign space he/she rolls the 8-sided die. He/she then refers to the corresponding number on the Stop Card, performing whatever action is stated on the Stop Card until the person on his/her right says "Stop." If the player stops immediately he/she receives a chip. This section helps children practice behavior cessation and learn how to catch themselves before they respond or react automatically./nRelax When a player lands in the Relax space he/she does what is indicated on the space. This section helps children learn to relax. The ability to relax is a powerful asset for a child who is attempting to learn self-control./nThink This section helps children think through problems. This ability is a prerequisite to achieving self-control./nContents: Game Board 8-sided Die 6-sided Die 30 Chips Stop Card 36 Feelings Cards 33 Think Cards Instructions/nThis board game is also part of The Stop, Relax & Think Collection./
Added: 4156 days ago From GuidanceGroup
global.duration: 75.23
Views: 10492 | Comments: 0
Teen Dating Violence Prevention - Textual Harassment :30
1 in 4 teens in a relationship say they have been called names, harassed or put down by their partner through cell phones and texting. Digital communication is an integral part of teens lives and this fairly unchartered digital space has created new challenges for teens as they start to experience intimate relationships. Unfortunately, dating abuse in the digital world is increasingly becoming a serious problem unique to the millennial generation of teens. Cellphones and the internet have become prime environment for controlling behavior, such as sending unwanted text messages or pressuring for nude pictures, that can be abusive or lead to relationship violence. In an effort to prevent teen dating abuse and help teens build healthy relationships, the Ad Council has partnered with the Family Violence Prevention Fund and the Office on Violence Against Women on a national, multimedia PSA campaign. The new PSAs are designed to help teens recognize digital dating abuse and provide them with the tools to initiate a conversation about this issue. The PSAs direct teens to visit were they are encouraged to draw their own lines around what is, or is not, acceptable relationship behavior and seek help from their peers.
Added: 5058 days ago From TRabbit2
global.duration: 32.00
Views: 3305 | Comments: 0
Ten Signs of Relationship Abuse
Combining powerful interviews of battered and verbally abused teens with expert commentary, video delivers key facts about dating abuse. Emotional abuse includes isolation from friends, family, and outside activities; using insulting names or degrading terms; displaying jealousy and possessiveness; controlling a partner’s clothing choices and behavior; using excessive cell phone use to monitor behavior; and threatening self-harm to control behavior. Sexual and physical abuse includes extreme roughhousing; pushing, grabbing, restraining, and other violent behaviors that don't leave marks or bruises; touching a partner’s body in ways that make him/her feel uncomfortable; and making threats as a means of coercing a partner’s consent to sexual activity. Teen speakers and dating abuse experts offer helpful advice on how teens can get away from potentially unhealthy, dangerous relationships.
Added: 4225 days ago From GuidanceGroup
global.duration: 197.02
Views: 2325 | Comments: 0
Roll A Role Series
Ages: 6-10. Children learn new skills best when they can practice them in safe and fun situations. Series consists of three large Roll-A-Role cubes and five card games. Each card game has 2 decks of cards; one deck of cards focuses on "people," the other deck focuses on "situations." Each cube has a pocket in which to insert a card. Players roll the cubes and follow the instructions on the card that turns up. Players win points for using an appropriate "Positive Action" as outlined in the game. For 2-8 players./nSet includes one pack of 3 Cubes and 1 each of the following card games:/nA Game of Anger Managementl: Many children have problems controlling their anger and expressing it in appropriate ways. This game is designed to help children learn a variety of anger-control techniques by practicing them in common situations that often trigger inappropriate responses. Item # 389922 /nA Social Skills Game: Social skills are an important part of a child's emotional intelligence. This game is designed to help children learn a variety of friend-making skills. Item # 389925/nA Game of Non-Verbal Communication: Many children have difficulty reading nonverbal language. They may misread facial cues, posture, gestures, voice tone, or any other subtle aspects of nonverbal communication. This game is designed to help children pay more attention to the nonverbal aspects of communication. It is intended to help them be aware of both of their own nonverbal language, as well as nonverbal language used by others. Item # 389928/nA Bullying Prevention Game: Every day, countless children face bullies at school, on the playground, and in their neighborhoods. This game presents problems children commonly encounter and provides them with techniques to respond to those problems. Item # 389931/nA Good Behavior Game: This game is designed to teach children a range of positive behaviors that can be used with common situations that often trigger misbehavior. Item # 389934/
Added: 4156 days ago From GuidanceGroup
global.duration: 54.47
Views: 2147 | Comments: 0
Berenstain Bears: Visit Fun Park
A ream of free ride tickets given to Mama at the supermarket prompts the Bear family to go to the amusement park. Brother boasts to friends and family that he'll fearlessly ride the legendary Thunderbolt roller coaster. However, when Brother sees how scary the ride actually is, he spends the rest of his day desperately trying to avoid it. The moment of reckoning for his boastful behavior comes as Brother is about to board the dreaded ride and backs out at the last moment.
Added: 4224 days ago From GuidanceGroup
global.duration: 179.29
Views: 2048 | Comments: 0
PeaceTalks Managing Your Anger
Controlling one's anger is a critical life skill and Managing Your Anger explores the difficulties teens face learning to control theirs while dealing with raging hormones, the pressures of grown-up responsibilities and the generalized anger of mass culture. Teens humorously outline their biggest pet peeves, and learn to deal with some of life's most common aggravating situations without blowing up.
Added: 4232 days ago From GuidanceGroup
global.duration: 150.76
Views: 1649 | Comments: 0