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Related Tags: ad council psa buzzed driving drunk drunkdriveprevent Drinking Alcohol SADD Impaired responsible public service historical prevention crashing glasses LifeSteps Character Marijuana Myths addictive

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Buzzed Driving - Hospital
Drunk or impaired driving killed nearly 13,000 people in 2007. That's one person every 40 minutes. That makes it everyone's problem. It seems that many people were doing their part to put a stop to this completely preventable epidemic. Alcohol-related traffic fatalities reached a low point in the late 1990s. Research also indicates that 62% of Americans exposed to the now-iconic Friends Don't Let Friends Drive Drunk campaign have personally intervened to stop someone from driving drunk, no doubt saving countless lives. However, since the late 90's, alcohol-related driving deaths have been steadily increasing. It seems that though the campaign was very successful, it did not change the behavior of many potential impaired drivers. Many thought the messages to be targeted at overtly drunk drivers, and not them. When decision time came, they would consider themselves merely "buzzed" and get behind the wheel. The new PSAs created to address this gap were released in December 2005 with the objective to inspire dialogue and recognition of the dangers of "buzzed" driving and subsequently, to motivate people to stop driving buzzed. The next installment expands on this message, equating buzzed driving and drunk driving and demonstrating the devastating consequences that can occur as a result of buzzed driving. The overall campaign hopes to educate people that consuming even a few drinks can impair driving and that Buzzed Driving is Drunk Driving.
Added: 5029 days ago From unobtainium
global.duration: 31.00
Views: 2886 | Comments: 0
Drinking and Driving: The Arresting Truth
This program provides teens with a graphic view of the overwhelming consequences of drinking and driving. A trauma nurse talks about the experience of telling parents their child isn't coming home again; parents share their grief over the loss of their son. Two people who have served prison sentences for drunk driving tell their compelling stories. Throughout, law enforcement officials stress their concern about this critical problem, showing teens what they may experience if they foolishly mix alcohol and driving.
Added: 4238 days ago From GuidanceGroup
global.duration: 105.64
Views: 2148 | Comments: 0
Drug Class 2: Impairment Part 1
This episode focuses on the seriousness of drinking and driving. In this episode we focus on a PSA by SADD that shows how drinking and driving can cause disabilities. Dwayne, the father of 21 year old Melissa, who was killed by a drunk driver, shares how he is coping with her death. We also hear from Ted, the driver who was responsible for her death.
Added: 4237 days ago From GuidanceGroup
global.duration: 143.91
Views: 2157 | Comments: 0
Drug Class 2: Impairment Part 2
Impaired driving continues to be a huge problem for youth. To illustrate this further, a mother who has recently lost a son to drinking and driving talks to Rand's class, and asks his students to drive responsible.
Added: 4237 days ago From GuidanceGroup
global.duration: 114.58
Views: 1553 | Comments: 0
Drunk Driving Prevention - Crashing Glasses
Since launching this campaign in 1983, more than 68% of Americans exposed to the advertising have tried to prevent someone from driving drunk. In 1998, America experienced its lowest number of alcohol-related fatalities since the U.S. Department of Transportation began keeping records. Campaign taglines have included: "Drinking & Driving Can Kill A Friendship" and "Friends Don't Let Friends Drive Drunk."
Added: 5071 days ago From rikkyrollin
global.duration: 30.00
Views: 2763 | Comments: 0
LifeSteps: Building Character
Teens develop the elements of good character as they learn to navigate the dilemmas of adolescence: what to do when friends are making bad choices about drugs, stealing, lying to parents, and drinking and driving. Moving portraits of courage and willpower are highlighted.
Added: 4236 days ago From GuidanceGroup
global.duration: 125.74
Views: 1671 | Comments: 0
Myths of Marijuana Debunked
School is a place where myths about marijuana abound. Many teens fervently believe that this drug isn't addictive, doesn't harm the brain, doesn't impair driving, and can't harm their future. Using the latest facts, science, and statistics, this program debunks these myths and proves marijuana use to be a deadly danger.
Added: 4229 days ago From GuidanceGroup
global.duration: 193.17
Views: 1919 | Comments: 0