Public Videos
Videos 16-20 of 28

Anti-spousal Abuse Ad from 1990s (kid on stairs)
I used to see this ad when I was a kid... It's pretty hilarious to me, not because abuse is funny, but simply because I find the abusive treatment of one individual of another in the manner portrayed in this ad is so absurd, that I can only laugh... I mean, honestly, who gets angry about pizza? It's completely irrational... I sincerely hope that with my generation, this behavior will no longer be tolerated by anyone...
Tags // kid on stairs spousal abuse domestic violence commercials advertising
Added: July 26, 2010, 6:09 pm
Runtime: 31.00 | Views: 3027 | Comments:0
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A Strawful Predicament
This PSA was written and directed by Jason Driever and produced by Peppershock Media Productions as part of child abuse prevention and awareness month. It was funded by the Treasure Valley Alcohol and Drug Coalition.
Tags // Drug Abuse Child Idaho Parent
Added: July 26, 2010, 6:41 pm
Runtime: 34.00 | Views: 1992 | Comments:0
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It's Dangerous to Ignore Your Liver - PSA
Public Service Announcement from the American Liver Foundation Thirty million Americans -- one in every 10 -- are or have been affected by liver and biliary diseases. Liver disease can affect anyone. In the United States, it is one of the top seven causes of death among adults, ages 25 through 64. The most common forms of chronic liver disease are Hepatitis B and C. The American Liver Foundation is the nation's leading nonprofit organization for promoting liver health and disease prevention. ALF provides research, education, and advocacy for those affected by all liver-related diseases, including hepatitis.
Tags // PSA Public Service Announcement American Liver Foundation hepatitis biliary disease ALF
Added: July 26, 2010, 6:45 pm
Runtime: 29.00 | Views: 1712 | Comments:0
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Domestic Violence Prevention Neighbors 1994
The video that you are about to see shows that when the neighbor upstairs are fighting and the neighbor downstairs wanted to stop domestic violence. Does your neighbor ever did happen to you? My neighbor does. So TRAGIC!!!
Tags // theres excuse for domestic violence 1994 ad council
Added: July 26, 2010, 6:28 pm
Runtime: 31.00 | Views: 2323 | Comments:0
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Buzzed Driving - Hospital
Drunk or impaired driving killed nearly 13,000 people in 2007. That's one person every 40 minutes. That makes it everyone's problem. It seems that many people were doing their part to put a stop to this completely preventable epidemic. Alcohol-related traffic fatalities reached a low point in the late 1990s. Research also indicates that 62% of Americans exposed to the now-iconic Friends Don't Let Friends Drive Drunk campaign have personally intervened to stop someone from driving drunk, no doubt saving countless lives. However, since the late 90's, alcohol-related driving deaths have been steadily increasing. It seems that though the campaign was very successful, it did not change the behavior of many potential impaired drivers. Many thought the messages to be targeted at overtly drunk drivers, and not them. When decision time came, they would consider themselves merely "buzzed" and get behind the wheel. The new PSAs created to address this gap were released in December 2005 with the objective to inspire dialogue and recognition of the dangers of "buzzed" driving and subsequently, to motivate people to stop driving buzzed. The next installment expands on this message, equating buzzed driving and drunk driving and demonstrating the devastating consequences that can occur as a result of buzzed driving. The overall campaign hopes to educate people that consuming even a few drinks can impair driving and that Buzzed Driving is Drunk Driving.
Tags // ad council psa buzzed driving drunk driving drunkdriveprevent
Added: July 26, 2010, 6:30 pm
Runtime: 31.00 | Views: 2886 | Comments:0
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