The Anger Solution Board Game
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Added: 11-12-2012
From: GuidanceGroup ( Send PM )
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The anger Solution game is a fun game to help provide alternative solutions for angry and aggressive behaviors . The goal is to help children understand they have control over their behavioral responses to anger and they can make choices that result in positive solutions. Anger is a natural emotion in response to conflict situations it can jeopardize relationships if not communicated effectively therefore it is suggested that this game should be played with adult supervision. The solution spinner introduces various anger management solutions, the solution cards present relaxation techniques, the empowerment cards offer positive affirmations and the question cards provide an understanding of the anger response.
Channels: Anger Management  Violence Prevention  Social Skills 
Tags: Anger  Solutions  behavior  fun  children  Play  Therapy  Children  behavioral  positive  solutions  emotion  counselors 

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