Boundaries Baseball Game
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Added: 11-12-2012
From: GuidanceGroup ( Send PM )
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Life is full of boundaries: Personal Boundaries,crossing boundaries that lead to anger, and group boundaries it is important to understand boundaries and how to deal with them . Boundaries Baseball gives you a chance to have fun and to learn. Combining learning and Baseball is a perfect anecdote for fun and entertainment. Each player starts on home plate and tries to score as many runs as you can. The players make their way around the board/bases via the commands on the spinner as players land on colored spaces they pick cards that correspond with the colors they land on and follow the directions on the card. There are also ways to throw strikes and hit home runs. The person with the most runs at the end of play is the winner but everyone is a winner when learning about Boundaries, with the Boundaries Baseball Game!
Channels: Character Education  Life Skills  Social Skills 
Tags: personal  boundaries  anger  learning  play  therapy  therapeutic  homework  fun  learning  challenging  entertaining   

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