Bounce Back Board Game: Children's Version - Ages 8-12
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Added: 12-12-2012
From: GuidanceGroup ( Send PM )
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The Bounce Back Game aims to help children and teens become more aware of resiliency skills that may help them reduce and cope with the stress in their lives including: cooperation, optimism, empathy, strong values, honesty, creativity, flexibility and self-confidence. Children and teens learn to bounce back using these skills with everyday problems and more serious crises. This game will benefit all children and teens but caters most to those who are considered “at risk” for example children of divorce, children with learning or physical impairments, victims of abuse and trauma. The game includes 3 decks of cards that contain questions or problems as well as actions with the balls provided so the players can reduce or increase their stress-meter: Problem Cards, Crisis Cards and Bounce Back Cards. the game includes cards, balls, stress magnets, and 90 question cards. For 4 players. Children's version Ages: 8-12
Channels: Conflict Resolution  Grief  Social Skills 
Tags:   Bounce  Back  Crisis  Problem  Play  therapy  Children's  coping  Dealing  creativity  cooperation  optimism  game 

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