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Related Tags: This Your Brain On Drugs Any Questions Egg abuse relationships teen angry boyfriend unwanted sex bad temper mood swings violent abusive shane meadows can see it look yourself alcohol anti-alcohol teens teenager teenagers underage addiction youth drinking peer pressure alcoholism substance chemical intoxicated drank alcoholic treatment consumption consume consumed ethanol psa video film educate educational time activity activities life decisions damage school kid stairs spousal domestic violence commercials advertising personal boundaries anger learning play therapy therapeutic homework fun challenging entertaining council buzzed driving drunk drunkdriveprevent Aardman Animations Nine Lives Sharp Shotz Competition Awareness Bristol UWE Recovery spirituality chemicals suicide Prevention Marijuana eating disorder disorders self-image respect weight self-esteem preoccupation healthy lifestyles attitude obese obesity gain diet dieting body bodies anorexia nervosa anorexic bulimia death feelings Expression communication classroom counseling social worker exciting cool adult ADHD Asperger's Syndrome hyperactivity music creativity Davina family kids guitar piano care child parenting techniques baby infant mom babies parents what mothers crying dad fathers teething pacifier colic Public Service Announcement American Liver Foundation hepatitis biliary disease ALF Depression Myths addictive conflicts resolving

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'80s Anti-Drug Commercial - Your Brain On Drugs
The Partnership for a Drug-Free America presents its most famous commercial ever!
Added: 5033 days ago From unobtainium
global.duration: 15.00
Views: 2815 | Comments: 0
Abuse in Relationships: Can You See It?
Home Office - This is Abuse TV advert. What is Abuse? It can be if someone constantly puts you down, threatens you or forces you to do something you dont want to. Some forms of abuse are against the law and its not always physical violence. Abuse in relationships can happen to anyone regardless of the type of relationship. Research shows that suffering from abuse in relationships is more common for young women but young men can experience it too. Abuse can harm you physically and emotionally as well as leave you feeling isolated and lonely. For more information visit the official website at or search online for abuse in relationships. You can get involved in live debates, check out FAQs and get info on where to go if you recognise signs of abuse in your own or a friend's relationship.
Added: 5038 days ago From TRabbit2
global.duration: 81.00
Views: 5347 | Comments: 0
Anti-Alcohol PSA Video For Teens
Anti-Alcohol PSA Video For Teens. From the public domain. Alcoholism is a chronic disease that makes your body dependent on alcohol. You may be obsessed with alcohol and unable to control how much you drink, even though your drinking is causing serious problems with your relationships, health, work and finances. It's possible to have a problem with alcohol, but not display all the characteristics of alcoholism. This is known as alcohol abuse, which means you engage in excessive drinking that causes health or social problems, but you aren't dependent on alcohol and haven't fully lost control over the use of alcohol. Although many people assume otherwise, alcoholism is a treatable disease. Medications, counseling and self-help groups are among the therapies that can provide ongoing support to help you recover from alcoholism. Alcoholism is a disease. It is often diagnosed more through behaviors and adverse effects on functioning than by specific medical symptoms. Only 2 of the diagnostic criteria are physiological (those are tolerance changes and withdrawal symptoms). Alcohol abuse and alcoholism are associated with a broad range of medical, psychiatric, social, legal, occupational, economic, and family problems. For example, parental alcoholism underlies many family problems such as divorce, spouse abuse, child abuse and neglect, welfare dependence, and criminal behaviors, according to government sources.
Added: 5078 days ago From rikkyrollin
global.duration: 30.00
Views: 5781 | Comments: 0
Anti-spousal Abuse Ad from 1990s (kid on stairs)
I used to see this ad when I was a kid... It's pretty hilarious to me, not because abuse is funny, but simply because I find the abusive treatment of one individual of another in the manner portrayed in this ad is so absurd, that I can only laugh... I mean, honestly, who gets angry about pizza? It's completely irrational... I sincerely hope that with my generation, this behavior will no longer be tolerated by anyone...
Added: 5033 days ago From unobtainium
global.duration: 31.00
Views: 3027 | Comments: 0
Boundaries Baseball Game
Life is full of boundaries: Personal Boundaries,crossing boundaries that lead to anger, and group boundaries it is important to understand boundaries and how to deal with them . Boundaries Baseball gives you a chance to have fun and to learn. Combining learning and Baseball is a perfect anecdote for fun and entertainment. Each player starts on home plate and tries to score as many runs as you can. The players make their way around the board/bases via the commands on the spinner as players land on colored spaces they pick cards that correspond with the colors they land on and follow the directions on the card. There are also ways to throw strikes and hit home runs. The person with the most runs at the end of play is the winner but everyone is a winner when learning about Boundaries, with the Boundaries Baseball Game!
Added: 4164 days ago From GuidanceGroup
global.duration: 49.00
Views: 1987 | Comments: 0
Buzzed Driving - Hospital
Drunk or impaired driving killed nearly 13,000 people in 2007. That's one person every 40 minutes. That makes it everyone's problem. It seems that many people were doing their part to put a stop to this completely preventable epidemic. Alcohol-related traffic fatalities reached a low point in the late 1990s. Research also indicates that 62% of Americans exposed to the now-iconic Friends Don't Let Friends Drive Drunk campaign have personally intervened to stop someone from driving drunk, no doubt saving countless lives. However, since the late 90's, alcohol-related driving deaths have been steadily increasing. It seems that though the campaign was very successful, it did not change the behavior of many potential impaired drivers. Many thought the messages to be targeted at overtly drunk drivers, and not them. When decision time came, they would consider themselves merely "buzzed" and get behind the wheel. The new PSAs created to address this gap were released in December 2005 with the objective to inspire dialogue and recognition of the dangers of "buzzed" driving and subsequently, to motivate people to stop driving buzzed. The next installment expands on this message, equating buzzed driving and drunk driving and demonstrating the devastating consequences that can occur as a result of buzzed driving. The overall campaign hopes to educate people that consuming even a few drinks can impair driving and that Buzzed Driving is Drunk Driving.
Added: 5033 days ago From unobtainium
global.duration: 31.00
Views: 2886 | Comments: 0
Drug Awareness Animation: Nine Lives
Nine Lives tells the story of a girl who at first refuses her friends offer of some drugs, but in a twist of fate witnesses a cat being run over and ... "when she sees it come back to life she feels that anyone and anything can come back to life, that encourages her to take drugs....." Brizzle -- Fairfield High School Nine Lives is the winning entry for the Drugs category of the Sharp Shotz Animation Competition 2007/8, it was written by Brizzle from Fairfield High School, Bristol. The team assisted Tom Malins an animation student from the University of the West of England in the making of the film.
Added: 5064 days ago From TRabbit2
global.duration: 154.00
Views: 2341 | Comments: 0
Drug Class 2: Spirituality
Recovery is complicated; one of the things that helps many people is the development of their personal spirituality. This episode looks at some of the different approaches to getting connected to something bigger than you.
Added: 4241 days ago From GuidanceGroup
global.duration: 131.58
Views: 1370 | Comments: 0
Drug Class 3 The Dark Side of Drugs
Many of the youth feel that drugs and alcohol are a good way to have fun. Many don’t realize that repeated use takes them into the dark side of life. Hayley and others share their thoughts on suicide; and Cst. Rene Shank of the RCMP talks about the chemicals used to make drugs in dirty clandestine labs.
Added: 4241 days ago From GuidanceGroup
global.duration: 145.90
Views: 1860 | Comments: 0
Drug Class Let's Make it to Graduation
Most families lose hope when they have a child who is experiencing substance problems. Although many of our main characters had significant problems, the help they received and the work they did allowed them to make it to their graduations. Ideal for middle school and high school teens, perfect for prevention and recovery classes.
Added: 4242 days ago From GuidanceGroup
global.duration: 119.13
Views: 2498 | Comments: 0
Drug Class What You Don't Know About Marijuana
Many viewers will already know what Marijuana looks, smells, and feels like. Learn what it is actually doing to you physically! Ideal for middle school and high school teens, perfect for prevention and recovery classes.
Added: 4242 days ago From GuidanceGroup
global.duration: 112.90
Views: 1661 | Comments: 0
Eating Disorders, Self-Image And Self-Esteem Educational Video PSA
Eating Disorders and Self-Image Video PSA. Courtesy of the National Eating Disorder Information Centre; The National Eating Disorder Information Centre (NEDIC) is a Canadian, non-profit organization, established in 1985 to provide information and resources on eating disorders and weight preoccupation. Our goal is to promote healthy lifestyles that allow people to be fully engaged in their lives. If you, or someone you know, is struggling with an eating disorder or is preoccupied with weight and dieting, please read our Give & Get Help section for valuable information and resources. There are many different kinds of food and weight preoccupations, including eating disorders. This section aims at de-mystifying issues relating to dieting, food, weight concerns, shape concerns, self-esteem and body image. To do so, we will be looking at those influences that most contribute to how we feel about our selves and our bodies, and that ultimately can help us make healthier choices for more enjoyable lives. Body image is the mental picture you have of your body - what it looks like, what you believe about it, and how you feel about your body. Self-esteem is the "real" opinion you have of yourself. how you value and respect yourself as a person. Your self-esteem has a direct effect on how you take care of yourself, emotionally, physically and spiritually. Self-esteem and body image also exert influences on each other - it is hard to feel good about yourself if you hate your body! Thoughts, feelings and behaviours related to managing food and weight can begin to interfere with our everyday activities. When we focus too much attention on our bodies and our eating, these preoccupations can quickly lead to missed opportunities in other parts of our lives. Our personal, school or professional lives, not to mention our overall well-being, can be drastically affected. Food and weight preoccupation can also lead to severe physical and emotional problems. There are many societal, familial and individual factors that can influence the development of an eating disorder. Individuals who are struggling with their identity and self-image can be at risk, as well as those who have experienced a traumatic event. Eating disorders can also be a product of how one has been raised and taught to behave. Usually, an eating disorder signals that the person has deep emotional difficulties that they are unable to face or resolve. People with eating disorders often describe a feeling of powerlessness. By manipulating their eating, they then blunt their emotions or get a false sense of control in their lives. In this way, an eating disorder develops out of a method of coping with the world. This coping, however, is merely a mask, as it does not solve the life problems that the person is experiencing. Anorexia nervosa - When you lose a lot of weight because you're hardly eating anything, and might over-exercise. You probably can't or don't admit how underweight you are. You may not initially look very thin, but may be far too thin to support your health. You can be so thin that every bone in your body shows, but still feel "fat". When you feel fat it makes it hard to ask for help or hear advice from others because, to you, "fat" has come to mean "being bad". You could also know that you are much too thin but don't make changes because you're so afraid of food and gaining weight. To you, this would represent losing control over yourself. Bulimia nervosa - When you binge and purge. You eat out of control and then try to get rid of the calories. You fast, make yourself vomit, abuse laxatives, or exercise too much. These ways of purging harm your body and don't help you accomplish what you want. Your weight may go up and down a lot. Binge-eating disorder (BED) - When you eat so much you're uncomfortable, eat to comfort yourself, eat in secret, or keep eating as part of a meal or between meals. You feel a lot of shame or guilt about your eating. Binge eating is also called compulsive eating. It is not the same as bulimia because you do not usually try to get rid of the food you've eaten. Eating Disorder Not Otherwise Specified (ED-NOS) - Individuals who experience a mix of anorexia, and/or bulimia, and/or binge-eating symptoms, but who don't fall neatly into one of the medical categories, are said to have an Eating Disorder Not Otherwise Specified (ED-NOS). These individuals should also receive the help and resources provided to individuals who have a "neat" clinical diagnosis.
Added: 5065 days ago From DrFill
global.duration: 33.00
Views: 4455 | Comments: 0
Expressionary! Board Game
Expressionary! is a game for teens and adults about feelings - what situations bring them up and the many different ways they can be expressed. Whether through words or non-verbally through movement and drawings, Expressionary! makes it easy and fun for players to express their feelings and thoughts. The object of the game is to have the highest number of tokens through correctly guessing other player's expressions, and being able to effectively communicate with others. The game is a must-have for every educator's, therapist's, or family's game collection! 4-12 players. Ages: 12-17. Created by Amanda L. Gissel, M.A/nContents: Game board 40 Feelings cards 40 Situation cards Chips 8 Place markers 1-minute timing device Instructions
Added: 4162 days ago From GuidanceGroup
global.duration: 53.67
Views: 3372 | Comments: 0
George's Story: ADHD and creativity
George is a 9 year-old who loves exercising his creativity by playing guitar, and building model cities. He's also been diagnosed with ADHD and Asperger's Syndrome. ©Johnson & Johnson Services, Inc. 2009 Neither Johnson & Johnson nor any of its operating companies (Johnson & Johnson) are responsible for third-party materials appearing on the Johnson & Johnson Health Channel, including but not limited to linked third-party videos, linked third-party sites, and third-party advertisements. J&J does not control or endorse this third-party content and makes no representations regarding its accuracy.
Added: 5060 days ago From TRabbit2
global.duration: 177.00
Views: 2888 | Comments: 0
How to Stop a Crying Baby : Infant Massage to Stop a Crying Baby
Learn infant massage techniques to soothe a crying baby in this free child care video with parenting tips for newborns and infants. Expert: Alisha Folkman Bio: Alisha Folkman is a mother of two young children and routinely provides advice and support to many new mothers. Filmmaker: Dixon Gillette
Added: 5053 days ago From unobtainium
global.duration: 59.00
Views: 2329 | Comments: 0
It's Dangerous to Ignore Your Liver - PSA
Public Service Announcement from the American Liver Foundation Thirty million Americans -- one in every 10 -- are or have been affected by liver and biliary diseases. Liver disease can affect anyone. In the United States, it is one of the top seven causes of death among adults, ages 25 through 64. The most common forms of chronic liver disease are Hepatitis B and C. The American Liver Foundation is the nation's leading nonprofit organization for promoting liver health and disease prevention. ALF provides research, education, and advocacy for those affected by all liver-related diseases, including hepatitis.
Added: 5033 days ago From unobtainium
global.duration: 29.00
Views: 1715 | Comments: 0
Maple Ave Jenny's Reasons: A Story About Teen Depression
This program provides a haunting look at teen depression and family dynamics that surround it. Jenny is in the throes of clinical depression, unable to understand the reasons she feels so bad all the time. Deeply confused and desperately overwhelmed, she makes plans to end her life - plans that are ultimately thwarted when her best friend, Tanya, confronts her and shares a dark secret of her own.
Added: 4238 days ago From GuidanceGroup
global.duration: 108.84
Views: 2056 | Comments: 0
Maple Ave P.S. I Miss You: The Aftermath of Suicide
After a year and a half, Tanya and her family are still trying to cope with the suicide of her older brother. During this time, Tanya has been coping by helping others, but gradually this proves not to be enough, and she turns to drinking to ease her pain (in between haunting dreams about her dead brother). Ultimately, things get out of control and her best friend, Jenny, intervenes to get her friend some much-needed help.
Added: 4238 days ago From GuidanceGroup
global.duration: 112.96
Views: 1842 | Comments: 0
Myths of Marijuana Debunked
School is a place where myths about marijuana abound. Many teens fervently believe that this drug isn't addictive, doesn't harm the brain, doesn't impair driving, and can't harm their future. Using the latest facts, science, and statistics, this program debunks these myths and proves marijuana use to be a deadly danger.
Added: 4233 days ago From GuidanceGroup
global.duration: 193.17
Views: 1920 | Comments: 0
PeaceTalks Resolving Conflicts
This program examines the reasons why so many teen disagreements turn into conflicts and fights. Teens learn the importance of good communication skills in resolving conflicts, and how to cool out conflicts before they become violent.
Added: 4231 days ago From GuidanceGroup
global.duration: 139.16
Views: 2391 | Comments: 0