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Related Tags: PTSD Bounce Back Crisis Problem Play therapy Children's coping Dealing creativity cooperation optimism game social skills counselors classroom stress reduction exciting seven stages of grief phases relationships ending traumatic counseling training Drinking Driving Alcohol assault guilt eating disorder disorders self-image respect weight self-esteem preoccupation healthy lifestyles attitude obese obesity gain diet dieting body bodies anorexia nervosa anorexic bulimia death therapist parent loss Bratt anger grieving Evening Couric Exclusive Soldier

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A Guide for Living with PTSD
Through compelling client testimonials and expert guidance from renowned researchers at the Dartmouth Psychiatric Research Center and the Department of Veterans Affairs National Center for PTSD, this video educates clinicians, clients, and families on the history, epidemiology, challenges, and treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Sample cognitive-behavioral therapy sessions between counselor and client model realistic applications of the concepts presented.
Added: 4214 days ago From GuidanceGroup
global.duration: 134.73
Views: 1658 | Comments: 0
Bounce Back Board Game: Children's Version - Ages 8-12
The Bounce Back Game aims to help children and teens become more aware of resiliency skills that may help them reduce and cope with the stress in their lives including: cooperation, optimism, empathy, strong values, honesty, creativity, flexibility and self-confidence. Children and teens learn to bounce back using these skills with everyday problems and more serious crises. This game will benefit all children and teens but caters most to those who are considered “at risk” for example children of divorce, children with learning or physical impairments, victims of abuse and trauma. The game includes 3 decks of cards that contain questions or problems as well as actions with the balls provided so the players can reduce or increase their stress-meter: Problem Cards, Crisis Cards and Bounce Back Cards. the game includes cards, balls, stress magnets, and 90 question cards. For 4 players. Children's version Ages: 8-12
Added: 4159 days ago From GuidanceGroup
global.duration: 53.77
Views: 2182 | Comments: 0
Bounce Back Board Game: Teen Version - Ages 12+
The Bounce Back Game aims to help children and teens become more aware of resiliency skills that may help them reduce and cope with the stress in their lives including: cooperation, optimism, empathy, strong values, honesty, creativity, flexibility and self-confidence. Children and teens learn to bounce back using these skills with everyday problems and more serious crises. This game will benefit all children and teens but caters most to those who are considered “at risk” for example children of divorce, children with learning or physical impairments, victims of abuse and trauma. The game includes 3 decks of cards that contain questions or problems as well as actions with the balls provided so the players can reduce or increase their stress-meter: Problem Cards, Crisis Cards and Bounce Back Cards.
Added: 4160 days ago From GuidanceGroup
global.duration: 53.77
Views: 1748 | Comments: 0
Dealing with Grief by Accepting the Grief & Sorrow How young widows need to learn the seven stages of grief & how to deal with these stages of grief and sorrow, along with the grief process and grief recovery
Added: 5049 days ago From unobtainium
global.duration: 198.00
Views: 2022 | Comments: 0
Drinking and Driving: The Arresting Truth
This program provides teens with a graphic view of the overwhelming consequences of drinking and driving. A trauma nurse talks about the experience of telling parents their child isn't coming home again; parents share their grief over the loss of their son. Two people who have served prison sentences for drunk driving tell their compelling stories. Throughout, law enforcement officials stress their concern about this critical problem, showing teens what they may experience if they foolishly mix alcohol and driving.
Added: 4238 days ago From GuidanceGroup
global.duration: 105.64
Views: 2148 | Comments: 0
Drug Class 2: Chelsie
Traumatic events are often the spark that starts a substance abuse problem. After years of keeping a secret and bearing the guilt, Chelsie tells her mother that she was sexually assaulted at a drinking party. Chelsie also visits a counselor to help her deal with her guilt and pain. Both her mother and the counselor tell Chelsie "that this was not her fault."
Added: 4238 days ago From GuidanceGroup
global.duration: 116.93
Views: 1843 | Comments: 0
Eating Disorders, Self-Image And Self-Esteem Educational Video PSA
Eating Disorders and Self-Image Video PSA. Courtesy of the National Eating Disorder Information Centre; The National Eating Disorder Information Centre (NEDIC) is a Canadian, non-profit organization, established in 1985 to provide information and resources on eating disorders and weight preoccupation. Our goal is to promote healthy lifestyles that allow people to be fully engaged in their lives. If you, or someone you know, is struggling with an eating disorder or is preoccupied with weight and dieting, please read our Give & Get Help section for valuable information and resources. There are many different kinds of food and weight preoccupations, including eating disorders. This section aims at de-mystifying issues relating to dieting, food, weight concerns, shape concerns, self-esteem and body image. To do so, we will be looking at those influences that most contribute to how we feel about our selves and our bodies, and that ultimately can help us make healthier choices for more enjoyable lives. Body image is the mental picture you have of your body - what it looks like, what you believe about it, and how you feel about your body. Self-esteem is the "real" opinion you have of yourself. how you value and respect yourself as a person. Your self-esteem has a direct effect on how you take care of yourself, emotionally, physically and spiritually. Self-esteem and body image also exert influences on each other - it is hard to feel good about yourself if you hate your body! Thoughts, feelings and behaviours related to managing food and weight can begin to interfere with our everyday activities. When we focus too much attention on our bodies and our eating, these preoccupations can quickly lead to missed opportunities in other parts of our lives. Our personal, school or professional lives, not to mention our overall well-being, can be drastically affected. Food and weight preoccupation can also lead to severe physical and emotional problems. There are many societal, familial and individual factors that can influence the development of an eating disorder. Individuals who are struggling with their identity and self-image can be at risk, as well as those who have experienced a traumatic event. Eating disorders can also be a product of how one has been raised and taught to behave. Usually, an eating disorder signals that the person has deep emotional difficulties that they are unable to face or resolve. People with eating disorders often describe a feeling of powerlessness. By manipulating their eating, they then blunt their emotions or get a false sense of control in their lives. In this way, an eating disorder develops out of a method of coping with the world. This coping, however, is merely a mask, as it does not solve the life problems that the person is experiencing. Anorexia nervosa - When you lose a lot of weight because you're hardly eating anything, and might over-exercise. You probably can't or don't admit how underweight you are. You may not initially look very thin, but may be far too thin to support your health. You can be so thin that every bone in your body shows, but still feel "fat". When you feel fat it makes it hard to ask for help or hear advice from others because, to you, "fat" has come to mean "being bad". You could also know that you are much too thin but don't make changes because you're so afraid of food and gaining weight. To you, this would represent losing control over yourself. Bulimia nervosa - When you binge and purge. You eat out of control and then try to get rid of the calories. You fast, make yourself vomit, abuse laxatives, or exercise too much. These ways of purging harm your body and don't help you accomplish what you want. Your weight may go up and down a lot. Binge-eating disorder (BED) - When you eat so much you're uncomfortable, eat to comfort yourself, eat in secret, or keep eating as part of a meal or between meals. You feel a lot of shame or guilt about your eating. Binge eating is also called compulsive eating. It is not the same as bulimia because you do not usually try to get rid of the food you've eaten. Eating Disorder Not Otherwise Specified (ED-NOS) - Individuals who experience a mix of anorexia, and/or bulimia, and/or binge-eating symptoms, but who don't fall neatly into one of the medical categories, are said to have an Eating Disorder Not Otherwise Specified (ED-NOS). These individuals should also receive the help and resources provided to individuals who have a "neat" clinical diagnosis.
Added: 5061 days ago From DrFill
global.duration: 33.00
Views: 4455 | Comments: 0
Part 1 of 3: - Helping Children Cope with Grief
Family Matters ACAPNJ: therapists, grief counselors, psychoanalysts discuss signs of normal and extreme responses to loss among children and offer concrete tools for listening, talking, providing support for grieving children, and coping mechanisms for those who work in this difficult field. Part 1 of 3.
Added: 5049 days ago From unobtainium
global.duration: 581.00
Views: 2733 | Comments: 0
Part 2 of 3: - Helping Children Cope with Grief
Family Matters ACAPNJ: therapists, grief counselors, psychoanalysts discuss signs of normal and extreme responses to loss among children and offer concrete tools for listening, talking, providing support for grieving children, and coping mechanisms for those who work in this difficult field. Part 2 of 3.
Added: 5049 days ago From unobtainium
global.duration: 583.00
Views: 3311 | Comments: 0
Part 3 of 3: - Helping Children Cope with Grief
Family Matters ACAPNJ: therapists, grief counselors, psychoanalysts discuss signs of normal and extreme responses to loss among children and offer concrete tools for listening, talking, providing support for grieving children, and coping mechanisms for those who work in this difficult field. Part 3 of 3.
Added: 5049 days ago From unobtainium
global.duration: 600.00
Views: 1758 | Comments: 0
PTSD - Veteran Recounts Killing Wife
"Only On The Web:" Former U.S. Army Sgt. James Pitts discusses how he killed his wife after returning from combat duty in Iraq. Pitts says the military did little to help with his mental issues.
Added: 5034 days ago From TRabbit2
global.duration: 337.00
Views: 2107 | Comments: 0