Berenstain Bears: The Big Red Kite
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Rating (0 votes): Not yet rated
Added: 11-10-2012
From: GuidanceGroup ( Send PM )
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When a store window full of colorful novelty kites excites the cubs about entering a kite-flying contest, Brother and Sister are surprised when Papa suggests they build their own kite instead of buying one. Together Papa and the cubs build a big old style kite,"Big Red," which turns out to be too big to fly without an equally big wind. To them, it's no longer about winning or losing; it's about taking pride in something they've made. As luck would have it, the wind picks up and, as all the store bought kites crash to the ground, "Big Red" flies so high, all the contestants join in and have a great time flying it.
Channels: Character Education 
Tags: character  education 

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